Rely on Something Other than Pen and Paper!
Password Genie Saves all of your website usernames
and password so you never have to write them down
or remember them again!
Smart Logins
No complex learning required. Password
Genie saves your usernames and passwords
and provides auto-fill, auto-submit, and
keystroke options.
Genie saves your usernames and passwords
and provides auto-fill, auto-submit, and
keystroke options.
Multiple Users/Multiple PCs
Password Genie can be installed on up to
five (5) computers with unlimited users. Best
of all, your saved logins, usernames,
passwords and preferences are synchronized
across all your installations so they are
available wherever you are.
Advanced Custom Options
Password Genie comes with multiple
preference options that will make your
experience unique and browsing hassle-free.
preference options that will make your
experience unique and browsing hassle-free.
Automated Backups
Password Genie ensures that all your saved
website usernames and passwords are
securely backed up and available in case you
need to do a reinstall or transfer to a new
a computer at any time.
Safe and Secure
All your personal data and preferences are
stored with 256-bit AES encryption and
transferred with 128-bit SSL, the same
technology used by secure sites and banks
today. In addition, your data is further protected
by requiring access to your computer with a
password only you know.
stored with 256-bit AES encryption and
transferred with 128-bit SSL, the same
technology used by secure sites and banks
today. In addition, your data is further protected
by requiring access to your computer with a
password only you know.
24/7 Support
Phone, Chat, and E-mail support is included
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no extra cost.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no extra cost.
System Requirements
Operating System Support | Resource Requirements |
All Windows 10 Editions | Microsoft Internet Explorer 6,7,8,9 |
All Windows 8 Editions | Mozilia Firefox 3.0+ |
All Windows 7 Editions | Google Chrome 6.0+ |
All Windows Vista Editions | Apple Safari 5.1+ |
Order Password Genie Today For Only $3.00/Month
Call 611 or 641-486-2211